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Trustee Directors of the Kaleidoscope Learning Trust

Mrs Carol Duncan


Before taking early retirement Carol was an Assistant Principal at a further education college in Worcestershire, as well as being a member of the Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Board and a Governor at a local secondary school which formed part of a Multi Academy Trust.  Outside of education her main interests are walking, gardening and Pilates which she fits in with spending as much time as possible with her twin grandsons and other close family members.  

Mrs Kayleigh Jackson

Kayleigh has worked as a nuclear scientist in a range of roles within the nuclear industry since graduating with a Masters in Physics from The University of Manchester, with experience as both the regulator and the regulated.  A desire to give something back to the community in which she lives, and cherished experience of working with children with additional needs, means that Kayleigh was excited for the opportunity to become a Trustee of the Kaleidoscope Learning Trust.  She hopes that she can support the Trust in meeting its ambitions, allowing pupils to reach their full potential.  Other interests include adventures with her young family, the theatre, travel and reading. 

Mrs Hannah Madeley


Hannah is a long-standing governor of Cloughwood Academy. She began her association with the school when she was Headteacher at Hartford Manor Primary School. Since taking early  retirement she has retained her position on the Governing Body, and is now one of the trustee/directors of the Kaleidoscope Learning Trust. Hannah is Vice Chair of the Trustee Board and Chair of the Cloughwood Academy Local Governing Body. Hannah's other interests include reading, walking and she is a keen caravanner.  

Mrs Joan Pennington


Joan has worked in education for over 25 years, holding posts as school business manager,  partnership director for 19 schools, teaching schools’ director and latterly as Chief Financial Officer for a multi academy trust in Manchester. She has also been a governor, Chair of Governors in the Primary sector and a trustee of a large Multi Academy Trust. Working as a trustee, Joan firmly believes her role is to ensure children and young people can be the best they can be. If that outcome can be secured, we will have achieved our aim.  

Mrs Ceri Smith

Ceri has lived in Hartford with her family for the past 15 years.  Her career has included working in the Financial Services sector for Bupa, and Santander.  More recently Ceri’s experience has been as Chief Operating Officer for rapidly growing tech businesses. Ceri is currently responsible for operations and HR in a Ed Tech business, which includes ensuring safeguarding is in place and compliance with Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance for over 12 thousand tutors across the UK.  Ceri enjoys being part of the KLT team to give back to the local community and to further deepen her knowledge and understanding of the education sector.   In her spare time Ceri loves to plan and take part in different travel adventures across the globe.   

Miss Claire Smith

Claire lives in Chester and comes from a family who have enjoyed careers in education, particularly primary education.  Claire is a People and Culture Director and works with businesses, leading their People Teams.  She specialises in supporting businesses by creating positive cultures within the workplace and ensuring colleagues have the best end-to-end employee experience.  She has held roles across Professional Services and originally started out life as a Solicitor.  Her passion for people has enabled her to transition into the world of HR.

Outside of work, Claire enjoys spending time with family and friends, especially her nephews and she also enjoys travelling whenever she can.

Dr John Swaffield, MBE (Chair)


John has served as a governor/trustee and Chair in a mix of schools and colleges in the primary, secondary and SEN sectors in various parts of the country. For some years he was also an Ofsted Lay Inspector. He has held executive/director level posts in both the telecoms and financial services sectors and more latterly was Chair of a Housing Association and CEO of a UK business improvement consultancy practice. His primary interest outside family and work has been the Scout Movement where he became the UK Commissioner for Scouts . Other interests include long distance walking and gardening. He is also Secretary of a local incorporated charity and treasurer of another. 

Mr John Szostek


John has wide experience as a chief executive, in the international chemical industry and then in the UK charity sector. As a Cloughwood governor, he took a special interest in the academy’s financial procedures, and in the teaching of physical education and modern languages. Now, as a Trustee/director of the Kaleidoscope Learning Trust, he hopes he can help the Trust continue to grow and excel in preparing its pupils to achieve their life ambitions. Other interests include windsurfing, walking, skiing, a weekly French language conversation group and exploring new places, both in the UK and on the continent. He is also Chair of the Hartford Civic Society.